Obion County Board of Education
September 7, 2010

Agenda Item: IX.J.

Recognize Resignation of Board's Member to Athletic Advisory Committee/
Appoint Member to Athletic Advisory Committee

Background Information:

The Board adopted the Handbook for Interscholastic Sports – Policies and Procedures to uniformly guide the county’s athletic programs. As a requirement of the Handbook, an Athletic Committee was formed whose purpose is to provide advice and counsel to the athletic administrators, school principals, and district program supervisor. The committee is comprised of one (1) member of the Board of Education, the Athletic Administrator at each school, and the Director of Schools and/or his/her designee. Members serve without additional compensation. Terms begin on August 1 and end on July 31 of each school year. The chairperson and vice-chairperson are elected by the committee members at the first meeting of the year and take office upon election. The Committee meets in September, November, January, March, and May. Mr. Brian Rainey was appointed to serve his second term to this committee in May, 2010.

Due to time constraints and other school projects, Mr. Rainey requested this agenda item to tenure his resignation from the Athletic Advisory Committee. Following the acceptance of Mr. Rainey’s resignation, the Board Chairman will ask another member to serve as the Board’s representative. After the nomination, the Board will vote to confirm the appointment.

Staff Recommendation:

No staff recommendation – this appointment is the sole discretion of the Board.